torn between real and fake
finding us in the quite
hands out ready for any needs
but don't say it won't because it just might
find its way back to the stars
some may think
some may fall
some get back up
others lay in its wake
the one
the all
I've seen it
forever in a redeemer
coming from the one and only
till your feeling
what I'm stepping
next to the world so ravines
it blinds the beautiful decay
shining in the night today
finding me on my knees
sliding by The Way
making sure he finds his way
back to the top were he bows
as I fall for his sight
into all so bright
spinning like a top on ice
finding rest on a crest
that made its way to the beach
crashing before it can do harm
sense the calm
I've been spinning too long
finding the time has come to pray
why can't you see this way
seeing your time coming
show me what you can do
that doesn't cause me pain
show me all about you
nothing else to do
find me today
come get me
a coffee
and give me
the reason you caught me
show me I'm not lucky
I found Buffy
I'll show you, find the light
in her eyes were
to light
so I added some wait to my faith
gave it some rhythm
came in with some grace
finding rest on a crest
that made its way to this place
crashing before it can do harm
sense the calm
I've been spinning too long
finding the time has come to pray